Refractory GradeOre

In order to serve our consumer, OCC strength stems from:

  • Ability to deliver accepted quantity to the consumer’s port at the specified time which means customer is at no hassle.
  • Our ore is for immediate use as it complies to agreed specs. Presently following sizes are produced:
0 – 1 mm 3 – 5 mm 0.5 – 4 mm 5 – 25 mm
  • OCC is following a 3-step manual sorting procedure, therefore, no future sorting is required, and the quality is assured. This also means that our product is for the immediate use
  • We can make your storage as easy as you require by delivering the ore in strong jumbo bags, i.e. no tears.
  • Flexible payment terms can be arranged with regular customers to suit their convenience.
  • We produce one of the best quality ores in the region with:
Low sillica content <0.3%
Low CaO content <0.2%
High Cr+Al content >60%

Ghashabi-2 Ore Deposits:


Metallurgical Chromite

Sio2 Mgo FeO Al203 Cr203 CaO
Specifications (%) <4.5 16 abt 15 abt 19 abt +42 <0.5

Other Ore Deposits:


Metallurgical Chromite

Sio2 Mgo FeO Al203 Cr203 CaO
Specifications (%) <6.0 17 abt 14 abt 21 abt 32-37 <0.1